1.02.2025, 21:00


in cooperation with WurstvonHund-Ball

On February 1st the Stadtwerkstatt, Radio Fro & servus.at present, in cooperation with WurstvonHund-Ball, a Linkswalzer-Workshop on the Maindeck in front of Stadtwerkstatt. From 9.00 pm on the demanding dance is instructed – Come and join in, be there and celebrate the joys of diversity with us!

You are cordially invited to come by.
We look forward to your visit!

The 1st of February in detail

Demo: Right-wing extremists out
The alliance Linz gegen Rechts invites you to the demo. Specifically: Right-wing extremists out of the state government - No to the right-wing extremist Burschenbundball. Demo start: 17:30 at the Maindeck.

In the evening, the completely sold-out WurstvomHundBall will take place in the Stadtwerkstatt. Doors, for all those who have a ticket: 19.30. In the Clubwurst: 23:00. Don't be afraid of diversity! WurstvonHund-Ball

Left Waltz Workshop
And: STWST, Radio Fro and servus.at present a Left Waltz Workshop at the square outside the Stadtwerkstatt, from 21:00. Come and join in, be there and celebrate the joys of diversity with us!

We are opening the permanent Left Waltz Workshop for the next years.