Strom um sieben
From its beginnings Stadtwerkstatt is linked with a self-understanding of autonomy, activism, subculture and, last but not least, a practice of art contexts that are to be redefined over and over again. There were many discussions and debates on countless topics.
In 2017/2018 every three months on a monday, Café Strom was the venue for debates on art, culture and politics, with two guests to be invited. Strom um sieben also took place externally on a case-by-case basis. /
Strom um sieben endet in 2018.
All broadcasted discussions of Strom um sieben below - but only in german version available
Some more examples for STWST's topics and debates.
Monday, Dec 03, 7:00 p.m.
The toxicity of Nets
The Network Society and International Perspectives in Art
With the “Mycelium Network Society”, Stadtwerkstatt was invited to this year's Taipei Biennial, which will open in mid-November and run under the title “Post Nature - A Museum as an Ecosystem”. The object shown by Stadtwerkstatt refers to a longer dispute with art, nature and technology, and deals with information, processing and the toxicity of the shown Mycelia stucture. Stadtwerkstatt takes up several threads between alternative media art history and denied art mechanisms, while at the same time working between a biennial and artistically autonomous periphery. The event will begin with a slide show from the opening of the Biennale, after which three guests will discuss international perspectives of a networked art world.
Guests: Gerfried Stocker (AEC), Davide Bevilacqua (servus), Genoveva Rückert (O.K)
Host: Dagmar Streicher
More about STWST at Taipeh Biennale
Keine 68er Seife sein
Strom at seven external: Exceptionally in Vienna, exceptionally on Friday.
Friday, 22.06.2018, 7 pm - DEPOT, Breite Gasse 3, VIENNA
Panel discussion with founding members of the Stadtwerkstatt
39 years of art and culture in Austria: The founding of Stadtwerkstatt Linz in 1979 was the beginning. The cultural pioneering work in the Kultur- und Werkstatthaus focused on the appropriation and opening of open spaces, on the connection of actionism with life and work, with experimentation and art. A consequent dissolution of the concept of culture resisted the social numbness and arrogance of power. But what were the aesthetic intentions for a radical departure in a demolition district of the city? How should cultural self-determination succeed? And how are the discourses reflected in current projects such as the artistic currency Gibling, STWST48 and this year's contribution to the Taipei Biennale?
The event was broadcasted by dorfTV.
Discussion with host Martin Wassermair: The founding members of Stadtwerkstatt Gudrun Bielz, media artist; Franz Blaas, artist; Karin Binder, artist; Gotthard Wagner, musician and cultural worker; Tommy Schneider, artist
The event will also provide insights and previews on the following projects: Community currency Gibling, Givecoins and “Self Printing System”, STWST48x4 SLEEP as Art in September, STWST at Taipei Biennale 2018. More Info
Monday, 26.03.2018, 19 Uhr
So far everything went well? Public and repression
They discuss with host Martin Wassermair:
Tom Dautovic, Konfliktbegleitung und Gemeinwesenarbeit
Fabienne Décieux: Institut für Soziologie, Abt. f. Gesellschaftstheorie und Sozialanalysen
Monday, 11.12.2017, 19 Uhr
Archives in the information age
They discuss with host Martin Wassermair:
Katharina Gsöllpointner (Kunst- und Medienwissenschafterin, Wien)
Sabine Folie (Direktorin des VALIE EXPORT Centers, Linz; Gastprofessorin im Fachbreich „Public Art and New Artistic Strategies“ an der Bauhaus Universität Weimar)
–> Broadcast
Monday, 18.09.2017, 7 pm
Bitcoin, Gibling and the free money
Alternative currency islands between redistribution of prosperity and the power of the algorithms
They discussed with host Martin Wassermair:
Matthias Tarasiewicz (RIAT, Research Institute for Art and Technology)
Beat Weber (economist, Austrian National Bank)
–> Broadcast
Monday, June 19, 2017, 7 pm
Lies, Propaganda & Fiction
Strategies in art and media for dealing with post-factual reality
They discussed with host Martin Wassermair:
Hans Bernhard (Media artist, UBERMORGEN)
Katharina Schell (APA Chief Editor)
Monday, March 27, 2017, 7:00 pm
Art University Quo Vadis?
Location determination and the search for the future of institutional art education in times of social crisis.
They discussed with host Martin Wassermair:
Eva Blimlinger (Rector Academy of Fine Arts Vienna)
Reinhard Kannonier (Rector of the Kunstuniversität Linz)
“Strom um sieben” is a discourse series of Stadtwerkstatt and Cafe Strom - in media partnership with Radio FRO 105.0 and Dorf TV. Live-Recording by ZackPrack Productions, since Dez 2017 von