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Arts Birthday 2016

Activities, Categories: 

In tribute to Robert Adrian X we are broadcasting pictures and morse signals with our shortwaveradio all the day.
The shedule: Starts 00:00h - every 10 minutes one picture alll the day.
Modes: SSTV, FAX and CW
Our Sign: OE5FXC
Our Equipent: Yaesu 847, 80 Watt
Antenna direction: Spain, France, Great Britian, Russia, Romania, Bulgary.
Our Frequencies: 14230kHz SSTV and on our frequency from Eleonore 7067kHz
Stay tuned, listen and try to send a picture back.

This event is in cooperation with Enrique Tomás from Kunstuni Linz, Interface Cultures and his students.
You can listen it from at 5pm at


Robert Adrian X

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