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WHISKY DISASTER WARNING - TONIGHT - at X. Schöne Eleonore's Film Boudoir

These are dark news to announce, especially on St. Patrick's Day, but due to series of unfortunate circumstances there will be NO WHISKY or snacks offered at the Film Boudoir tonight. Doom and gloom, but at least it matches the theme of toninght's film..
If you wish to save the situation, please bring any drinks & snacks you desire to enjoy & to share with others!!
Whisky is of course especially welcomed!!

You can always buy beer aboard Eleonore - 2.50 Eur for bottle (500ml) this money also support electricity (= fuel for the generator) and heating of the ship - so yes please buy some!

Anyway looking forward to see you tonight - with or without whisky , it will surely be a great night!

Toninght's Film : WHISKY GALORE

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