STWST Work in Progress

12.-21. Dezember 2022

sugar pa! & ronit

silence, i kill you

A music track that uses the topics rape and rape culture in the voice overs, as well as being emotionally and contextually processed by sugar pa! & ronit.

This work in progress was about: allyship; making rape culture in Linz visible; using a paid, creative project for trauma and rage; making one's own voice hearable through music and breaking silencing; bringing more queer flinta music to the audio market; a skill-share on a technical and content-related level; mutual empowerment and a productive transformation of experiences of violence.

The project was embedded in a process in which we wanted to address issues that currently took space in our lives. At the time, sugar pa! supported a friend who suffered sexualised violence with a callout of the guys name. The result was a text that sugar pa! wrote in consultation with the person affected, which was sent to house projects, cultural associations and event spaces - including the Stwst - in Linz. The callout and our track are embedded in concepts from queer and BlPoc feminism: transformative justice and community accountability. ronit felt empowered by this callout to also talk about her own experiences of sexualised violence and how her environment deals with it. ronit identified the silence around the topic as a big burden for her. Talking about it is unpleasant. Actually, no one wants to hear it. So it quickly became clear that we would dedicate ourselves to the topic of sexualised violence and use the track as a tool to break the culture of silence.

During the process, there was a meeting between the three of us. In the exchange about the experiences, it became apparent that the silence of friends and other people who know is an emotional burden that carries weight.

The result of our work in progress after 10 days is a 7-minute political acid techno track produced by two queer FLINTA*s in Linz. The track is available for free download under a CC-BY-SA 4.0 licence:
silence, i kill you

We got to know each other a lot better within these 10 days and have come to trust one another. Before this project we hardly knew each other. Our previous first track was a product in which the two of us only worked together effectively for a few hours.
Try: My Playground. My Power. [CC BY-SA 4.0 ronit & sugar pa 2022]

A showing is planned for April 29, 2023 within the STWST series Night Creature's Deamons (curated by Mika Mankomat). Furthermore, an article in the March issue of the newspaper Referentin follows on the topic of Rape Culture in Linz to give Callout and Work in Progress a framework and vice versa.

sugar pa! .
Many skilled bitch, dedicated to creating and working collectively
performance art as artistic activism and coping mechanism for life in racist, binary, hetero- normative and sexist surroundings.
s_x workers rights activist - previousely at maiz- autonomes zentrum von und für migrant*innen in linz <3
in the process of looking at and deconstructing my white supremacist culture

Based in linz and has worked as cultural worker in different associations such as habitad, willy*fred, fredda, das kollektiv, fiftitu%. Her heart beats to deep-, melodic and acidtechno. On the dj decks since 2008 and produces her own music since 2020.,

Photo credits:
Photo pa dares by Rey Loichl
Photo ronit by Verena Mayrhofer