A.I.R. - Impressions

  1. 13 Passagen Zine

    von Eindringlingen und kinästhetischem Sehen.

    Wir reduzieren, ordnen, schwingen, bleiben dran,

    werden zurückgeworfen, blicken weit, kommen und gehen, 

    tauchen ab und decken auf.


  1. Prototype with ducks
  1. On Box I

    Lady's Log

    Log #1 September 17, 2012- 18:21

    "Being at Sea" Internal sea, external land External sea, internal land

    I live with half-courage, riding imagined waves of emotion, facing no fear of death out of my element/habitat.

    I am soft. I am no sailor. Naiveté, we suffer and pay homage for your protection.

    "Getting your Sea legs" It is the sense of being fixed and the nervous condition of wanting to cast off that turns us on.



    Log #2 September 18, 2012- 17:00

    Nothing to write about "Being at Sea". Nothing to write about "Getting your sea legs. What to do about a boat that will not sail. This ship won't leave the dock. The experience of waiting, neutrality in the body. Remembrance, yearning. All very personal.



    Log #3 September 19, 2012- 21:00

    translation of the word "Boot" from Das Buch der Symbole. 1)looking at land from the Eleonore: what did i leave behind? 2)looking at water from the Eleonore: what might i find? both kinds of looking are necessary to locate yourself in the presentness of your condition.
